


Final seminar summary

Final seminar animation


Les zones de montagne sont parmi les territoires les plus touchés par les risques naturels et on s’attend à ce que ces risques augmentent en raison des effets du changement climatique (sécheresses plus graves, températures moyennes plus élevées,  changements dans le régime des précipitations). Ces risques ne connaissent pas de frontières administratives (par exemple, les incendies qui affectent des peuplements forestiers continus et traversent ainsi les frontières) et nécessitent une coordination transnationale.



Mountains are highly vulnerable to natural risks, which are becoming more intense due to climate change. The risk comes from the encounter between a natural phenomenon and the infrastructures and services that occupy the territory. Natural phenomena cause environmental damage, but also social and economic losses. Southwest Europe is one of the areas of the world suffering most from the effects of climate change. Its mountain areas are threatened by four main risks: drought, forest fires, erosion and flooding.


On the 23rd of November 2022, the final seminar of MONTCLIMA was held in cité administrative of Toulouse followed by a field visit of the STePRIM programme: "Territorial strategy for mountain risk prevention" in Bagnères de Luchon on the 24th of November. After 42 months of hard work between 9 partners from France, Spain, Andorra and Portugal, this event was a great opportunity to proudly present the project final results, meet the project partners and exchange knowledge with the main actors and experts in the field.

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mar, 13/12/2022 - 13:37

In Europe like in Africa and Asia, droughts have been a recurrent topic in recent years, having real tangible impacts on our daily lives.

Although droughts occur naturally as part of the water cycle in all climatic zones, yet it is reported that climate change is accelerating their severity and occurrences with significant impacts at the global scale. Scientists stated an increase in the risks of droughts due to decline in precipitation and rising temperatures.

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mer, 30/11/2022 - 16:17


Le projet vise à renforcer la résilience des territoires de montagne SUDOE en élaborant un cadre stratégique transnational basé sur la capitalisation de projets réussis de prévention et de gestion des risques naturels climatiques (incendies, sécheresses, inondations, crues et érosion) en reposant sur les piliers suivants:

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Le projet MONTCLIMA est cofinancé par le Programme régional européen Fonds de développement (FEDER) par le biais du programme Interreg SUDOE du programme Interreg SUDOE

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